“People around the world, including Ukrainians, are faced with a new threat and challenge in the form of the CoVid-19 coronavirus infection. High consciousness, self-organization and coordination of actions are very important now. It is imperative that every Ukrainian, every company and organization do their utmost to help fight the pandemic.
Kusum Group of Companies fully supports all measures taken by the government to combat the spread of coronavirus infection. In all branches and offices of Kusum, a strict anti-epidemic regime has been introduced. The production continues to operate in order to continuously provide patients with high-quality, safe and efficient medicines, despite the fact that most of the company’s team in Ukraine, India, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Moldova and the Philippines have switched to remote operation.
Kusum’s balanced product portfolio includes antibiotics that may be needed in the treatment of bacterial complications of coronavirus infection. Realizing the high level of responsibility for the future of the country, the company’s management decided to provide charitable assistance with drugs of azithromycin, levofloxacin, linezolid, as well as antihistamines and drugs for the symptomatic treatment of influenza and ARVI. Just yesterday, the total cost of the assistance provided in retail prices amounted to about UAH 3 million.
In modern conditions, the role of doctors and pharmacists in society is becoming dominant. It is these specialists who are now at the forefront of the fight against infection and are taking the first blow.
We bow low to the professionalism of doctors and pharmacists and express our deep gratitude for their selfless work and dedication. We urge all citizens to adhere to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, as well as to minimize visits to public places and contact with other people. Older people now require special attention and care, since they are more likely to have a severe course of coronavirus infection.
We urge everyone to take precautions and preventive measures. Do not self-medicate, stay at home if you have a cough, fever or shortness of breath and contact your family doctor immediately.
Be healthy!”